Residents asked to report turkey sightings:

Article Posted: December 27, 2002

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Residents asked to report turkey sightings

In an effort to monitor wild turkey populations, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is asking citizens to report all sightings of wild turkeys during the month of January.

Survey information assists wild turkey management by helping to determine the distribution of wild turkeys throughout the state.

"The request for public reports of turkeys is another effort to monitor the expanding wild turkey population," said Al Stewart, DNR Upland Game Bird Specialist. "Local biologists will follow-up on new sightings to expand their knowledge of bird distribution in their management unit."

Turkey populations are monitored through hunter mail surveys, turkey observation surveys by employees, and hunter check station surveys. The cooperation received from hunters and citizens through observation reports provides enormous support to the management of wild turkeys.

Restoration of the wild turkey in Michigan is a wildlife success story of major importance. At the turn of the 20th Century, Michigan did not have wild turkeys. Today they are found in nearly every corner of the state. Currently, there are more than 150,000 wild turkeys in Michigan, and the population continues to expand.

To report wild turkey sightings, contact any DNR office or complete the observation form on the DNR website at

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